Our team has extensive experience in land acquisition, subdivision, land assembly, and re-zoning and redevelopment in the Lower Mainland.
If you are currently looking for a project for investment purposes, we can assist you in identifying a suitable location with investment potential.
The construction and development of projects is overseen and managed from start to finish by our subsidiary team, Capstone Living Ltd. We are committed to working with you every step of the way to build a state-of-the-art home that fits your needs, taste, and desires.
Getting your home’s design is a crucial thing that must be settled before starting any construction. We help you with getting the perfect home design by offering you our expertise and design-based services.
We are always on the lookout for potential investors and partners. Whether you have funds and are looking for a set fixed rate of return, or if you are looking for growth on your capital


Bayrich Development Ltd. 為溫哥華的高端房地產開發公司。我們的團隊在亞太地區擁有30多年的經驗,並具有豐富的專業知識和熱情,項目包括獨立住宅、公寓、連棟式別墅以及歐式獨棟別墅。我們深根每座社區,並尋找著高潛力及適合的土地來為您打造夢想中的家園。無倫您喜歡什麼風格,我們都會為您把關,建造獨一無二的客製化住宅。